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Email Confidentiality

Today's enterprises rely heavily on email systems for their day-to-day business and operations. Statistics show email volume grows at an annual rate of 30% [IDC quoted in Storage Magazine, Oct. 2002]

Majority if not all corporations and enterprises rely heavily on emails in their daily business and processes.

Private instructions, sensitive information and confidential data are sent over the Internet reaching customers or business partners without protection. A major problem is data confidentiality, unauthorized parties can get access to these sensitive corporate data easily.

Encryption refers to the process of turning meaningful information into meaningless garbage. This turning-gold-into-rust process disallows trespassers and unauthorized parties to obtain the confidential and secret information. To information owner, as s/he has the decryption key in hand, s/he can easily execute the rust-to-gold process and reclaim the original secret information.

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Find out how Bloombase Security Platform secures email messages


Encryption is also applied to email messages. Email encryption standard S/MIME has been invented for years, however, S/MIME is never welcomed by corporate users. The biggest challenge with S/MIME implementation is the need to change user workflow that most people are reluctant to abide.

Bloombase Solution

Bloombase Message gives an answer to the email message security problem by working as a mail proxy. Out-going emails are encrypted by recipients' public key before the email is sent. Encrypted emails are safely protected during transmission and when stored on email server or as local copy. As only recipient gets hold of his/her own private key, no others can access to the sensitive contents.

Bloombase Message is a standalone high-performance hardware mail proxy appliance that encrypts and signs emails on-the-fly at corporate messaging servers. Bloombase Message is built to solve spamming, fraud emails and confidential email disclosure problems that can be addressed by email digital signature, encryption and DomainKey proposed by Email Authentication which generally are considered difficult if not impossible to implement amongst end users in most enterprises. Bloombase Message works entirely on the network layer without users’ intervention and training. By properly configuring security rules per sender/recipient, Bloombase Message appliance automatically signs and encrypts emails before dispatching to recipients. Multiplexing Bloombase Message appliance for load-balancing and failover is easy. It supports all commercial messaging servers or groupware on the market and deployment is hassle-free. Bloombase Message addresses security threats with emails at ease and low-cost.

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